The Balwan Millet Seeds are used for growing millets which are a category of small-seeded grasses that are commonly farmed as cereal crops or grains for fodder and human nourishment all over the world. Millets are small-grained, annual, warm-weather cereals that are related to grasses. They can withstand drought and other adverse weather conditions, and their nutrition content is comparable to that of other important grains. Millets come in a variety of species that are not all related.
Millet Seeds (Balwan)
Characters | Balwan |
Plant type | Robust |
Duration (day) | 80-85 |
Plant height (cm) | 200-210 |
No. of Tillers | 03/04/12 |
Plant pigmentation | Dark Green |
Earhead shape | Cylindrical |
Earhead Compactness | Highly Compact |
Earhead diameter (cm) | 3.8-4.0 |
Earhead length (cm) | 28-30 |
Earhead bristles | Absent |
Anther colour | Light Yellow turns brown |
Grain colour | Dark Gray |
Grain size | Bold |
Days to 50 % flowering | 53-55 |
Reaction to downy mildew | Resistant |